Executive Coach, Founder & Chief Executive of Quartz Group

Natalie Collard

Natalie is an experienced Executive and Leadership Coach and Mentor practising in Australia, where she empowers companies for increased performance and early to mid-career executives to unlock their true potential and improve executive presence.

In her career, Natalie has enjoyed an extraordinary cross-sectoral adventure across sectors ranging from defence and arms control, foreign affairs, agriculture, telecommunications, energy, to transport and infrastructure.  By combining her rich career experience and human-centred approaches, Natalie’s mentoring and coaching programs have become highly sought after, as they strike a chord with many executives and leaders.

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Moment of Realisation

I was proud of my record of success, but I began to realise that everything I had believed about professional success was the wrong way around.  

Important things were missing.   

Sure, skills and experience get you so far, but when 18-hour days are common, the price is simply too high to pay.  Health and wellbeing suffered, and the pace is not sustainable in the long-term.   

It is in these moments of truth that I started designing a person-centred approach for building and maintaining career success based on my self-worth and self-knowledge. 

The result?  It unlocked benefits across my professional life and private life, and changed my mindset towards pressures and challenges to one that is empowering and accountable.  

Immediately, I saw my life transforming for the better.  Those areas that were suffering began to spark into life, and my career elevated to new heights.  

Whenever I share this realisation, I can see the transformative impacts on those around me. 

The Quartz Group mantra of mindful intention, action and support is a philosophy to live by – one which creates immediate benefits for you and those around you at work and outside work.

Career Highlights 

  • Appointed CEO of Australian Dairy Farmers Ltd.  During the appointment, Natalie was awarded Telstra Business Woman of the Year 2013 (Community and Government, Victoria) and NAB Women’s Agenda Emerging Leader Award National Finalist for the transformation she drove within Australia’s national dairy industry.

  •  Awarded the International Woman in Renewables 2018 by the International Global Solar & Energy Storage Organising Committee for her work as Chair of Women in Renewables (Australia) and Executive General Manager Industry Development of the Clean Energy Council.

  •  Addressed the United Nations in Geneva on an Optional Protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention on behalf of the Australian Government.

  •  Managed a post-September 11, 2001 arms control emergency meeting on behalf of the Australian Government.  Led 32 participating countries in Paris to establish consensus for new international chemical and biological security protocols.

  •  Appointed Corporate Affairs Manager for two Australian States for an ASX20-listed company during a time of significant strategic realignment.

  •  Led the Australian Defence team in the negotiation of international security treaties resulting in seven bilateral agreements.  One such agreement includes Australia’s first treaty with The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

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